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i liked most of the sylphine game better except for our little blue kitten. she was just way cuter in the original game. though have little faith in this dev to get their shit together and ever finish this game. instead just reworking it and never developing more new content. 

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Game was great as is, don't understand why Dev needed to rework it into something almost completely different, and then had the nerve to charge for it and then abandon it. Now theres two great games that will never be finished. 

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re-work = no work.. just feed in teh existing work and the computer does the rest (very slowly).. meanwhile, patreons are still simping for old content with new skins, forking out cash every month..
but i 100% agree, the old artwork was superior to the new. the new girls look like SJW feminazis who any sensible man wouldnt approach unless they wanted to get arrested over some "i changed my mind the next day" false rape allegation.
i mean, the new girls just look fucking ugly, i dont care if they are higher definition. 

You can use the PC version with JoiPlay on mobile phones.  Works fine.

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Any working link to a 0.3a android version?

Welp, nevermind.  Only one post here that isn't 2 years old.


Having played this and now finding it's been abandoned, I'm very dishearten. Please pick it back up again Glacerose.

Unfortunately, he has abandoned this and the rework called Sylphine.  I just got done playing Sylphine only to realize it too was abandoned.

That's really unfortunate. I really enjoyed what this game had so far and there is a lot that can be done with the story.


Is this game dead? Is it being remade? Im confused


Okay so it has been abandoned and remade as Sylphine.. 

Is there no point in playing this one anymore? I've played through quite a bit and gotten attached to the characters.. sad to see it gone.

Please do not abandon this game.

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Is the game already completed?

I just want to know, please reply.

No, it's not. This game is being overhauled completely.

So that's why sylphine was came out huh. 


will this come to android?


An android Version is available already

yea for some reason it wont install


Just got a look on the new models on patreon.. And they look super pretty and cute!

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Wow good to know that the game got a remade, already following you!

The story that is on the present version here on will be different on the new version? Thinking if I should play this version anyway... I love games with more focus on romance and the characters.

Dev, i hope this isn't the end for sylphia island, because according to the log, the last update was in 2019.... Was actually looking forward to the game.....

Ive actually remade the game in the Daz3D engine. It went out to patrons a few days ago and will be public soon. You can see teasers in the discord server

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Thank you Glacerose...!!!! Will it work with our old saved ones....????

It will not. It's an entirely new game, new events, stories, locations, all that.

Oh, I see, so is there a link for the page or will it be posted in this page when it goes public...??

It will be posted here when public. Which is in about 9 days. 

Hello, I have a question, I just found this post, and the game is interesting, on which platform is it available? How much does it cost or is it free?

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PC, Mac and Android. Yes its free 

I fall in love with alex. More alex please xoxo. Thx for the hardwork


Great story and graphics! Reminds me a lot of Mystic Manor by Jikei, graphics are similar too. The MC really sounds more clueless and shy than in many other games. I really like the women with different size boobs, rather than the gigantic hooters that so many developers seem to like so much. Waiting (patiently) for the next update. No need to burn yourself out. Be well and stay safe!

agree completely!
nothing turns me off more than a big flabby set of breasts that you know are going to be swinging around their knees in just a few years time

Did you know that this game has been discontinued? The new version is called Sylphine and it's incredible! Much better and more detailed than this.

correct, but completely irrelevant to my comment, which applies to all games  ;)


I couldn't agree more. What I said wasn't really a reply to your post, more of an aside.


Why was this amazing game so hard to find?! Put titty shots on the cover, this is so underrated

The characters interactions are HILARIOUS the hecking memes my man, genius writing 

No wonder you had a burnout, you published and updated to v3 in like 5 months with little funds, making something comfortably up there with Mythic Manor, you are a beast 

I hope to see more, it was a ride


Where did you find celeste after she sends you that nude??

If the game is up there with Mythic Manor... This is super good! 

This is a truly an amazing game I'm a writer that does all types of stories. I've never seen an amazing game that truly has amazing story telling and great girls to talk to with amazing personalities and I already have two favorites, I can't wait for the next update to come out. I'm wondering when do you think the next update will come out?


Hi, i just created an account just to leave this comment (and to follow u ofc lol)

I've played sylphia island a long time ago when the game stopped at serra being a catgirl and since then i've been waiting to play the next update, i did try it and.. well.. I LOVE IT. The stories are the kind that makes you wanna know what's next and i finished every detail in the game just to make sure i didn't miss a thing. The language is amazing, the story telling is on another level, and the artwork is beautiful.

My favorites are celeste and serra (waiting for some new content) but when Detta was introduced, i just loved her and can't wat to see what's coming up and I'll probably play all the next updates untill the final release.

I enjoyed this game a lot and i mean it, and I'm looking forward to complete Dett's route, wish you a good luck Glacerose :)


Wow... I just joined here just so I could post this... Sylphia Island is amazing! I've played about 6 different VN's from this site during the last month or so and this one is the best I've seen so far. The English is almost perfect, the story is interesting (can't wait for more!), and the artwork is simply brilliant. I even noticed a reference from the movie Wall-E (cool!). Also very much enjoyed the dialog with all the characters. A LOT of humorous and clever lines here!

One of the reasons I started playing these was to see stories told without limits (i.e. the porn and all). But, THIS game made me want to keep playing just because I wanted to see what would happen next. Oh, and the porn stuff is great too! ;) Gotta say, I am loving me some Lillian!

 Glacerose, this is brilliant work my friend, thank you! This one is definitely worth sparing some money on folks! I'll be keeping a close eye on this one for more updates. I really want to see where the story goes from here.


Thank you so much for the review! I love to hear that people enjoy the game :) 

My pleasure Glacerose. Really can't wait for the next update to come out. When do you expect to have the next version ready? And thank you again for this amazing content. :)


Im actually working on a new project now that should release in January. SI has temporarily been put on hold. Had a bit of burnout after working on it for so long.


Understand completely. Thank you for the reply. I can imagine the burnout after working on something like this. I am aware of how tedious it can be to get these kind of games to a certain standard and level of detail. Having had a hand in some writing myself, I can relate to that. Most people don't realize what goes into making these things. Anyway, I'll be keeping an eye on your projects Glacerose. Best of luck and keep at it!

How do I exit the minigame menu on the phone?
I keep clicking return and the phone icon, but it won't close…


Sorry for the late reply. You must be on the phone homescreen and you can click the phone icon on the UI to exit. 

It worked after I Alt+F4'd out of the game.

But at the time, hitting return looped infinitely between the rules for [rock, paper, scissors], the rules for the dice(?) game, the [play, rules, return] screen, and the choose game screen—it wouldn't go back to the phone's home screen.


When you bring the box to Alex's work, there's a line that replaces your name with hers, and even uses her name colour instead of yours.


Thank you for the report! I will fix this up


great game, i love it!!!


where can i find money? :'(


Hey there! I sent a discord message but copying here in case you miss it. 

You can find money through minigames on the phone/computer. Or through minigames at the cafe and library unlocked through Ella/Vivian  

If you run out of money, ask alex for more when shes home


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( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


I really enjoyed your game so far. It totally holds up with the others.
The stories are fun and I am interested in seeing more!

In the beginning, the hair colours really irritated me and the navigation menu was confusing and hard to use, but I eventually got used to it.
Also, earning money is kind of hard, and once you run out, you can't get any back, for all I know. But that's okay, since you don't need to use any money so far in this build.

Keep it up.

If you run out you can ask alex for more in the evening :). You need it to buy a few items later on


Dang you did it lol. i dont mind saying one of the things that actually interest me in this story but its the cat references. that stuff is actually a turn on for me -cough-. just saying, good job on the update lol.


No shame haha, Cat girls are hot. Plenty of Nyan~~ stuff coming in the next update friend. :) 


yea they are lol. this will be great.


your game is amazing with a very interesting story for each of the characters. i can not wait for more updates and i also hope in the future (up to you) to add old save compatibility. keep up the good work and looking forward to more content. =)

Glad you enjoyed it! The next update comes out in 5 days so, look forward to it :)

i will :)

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you :). I'm glad you like it. The next update will be out in just over a week,  adding nearly 2 more hours of stuff.


amazing game plz keep updating it

Glad you enjoy it :). More updates are being made as we speak.

im glad